Identity of the Belarusian Aviation Sports Federation

The main goals of the PA «BFAS» include promoting the development of mass aviation sports and aviation sports of the highest achievements in the country, attracting young people to aviation sports, fulfilling the duties of an active member of the International Aviation Federation (FAI) on behalf of the Republic of Belarus. And now the federation has a cool logo to represent these goals.
The logo is visually divided into three parts. The upper part — in the form of a wingspan, as one of the main elements, symbolizing the aviation orientation of the federation.
A small green part symbolizes the work of the federation not only in the air, but also on the ground: flight coordination, licensing, processes at training-centers, specialists training.
The red part — bright and dynamic, a symbol of the aspirations and character of the federation itself and its members. It is in this part that the text of the logo is inscribed, emphasizing the great importance of the general mood of the BFAS.

Corporate branding
September, 2021
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